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  • Writer's pictureGary Chow

International Friendship Tournament Singapore 2018 organised by Singapore Oyama Karate-do Kyokushink

08 Sep 2018

I was roped in by my buddy in his paid assignment to experience shooting a real Karate-do event that features both junior and senior fighters from China, India, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and hosting nation Singapore. This is the first time that i am covering an international friendly Karate-do event and i am pretty hyped and bumped up on what's lining up on the event day.

Despite of the heavy downpour, we still managed to reach our location, travelling from Sembawang to SAFRA Tampines at 0930 hrs. Event started at 1000hrs, Waited for a brief moment for the form up of over 120 competitors. There are a wide variety of age group competitions and close to 40 trophies to be won. The competition kick off with a the youngest age group and proceeded to the senior by noon time.

The kids fights are super cute and the adult/senior fights are simply electrifying and entertaining, except for a few matches that feel like "who is the toughest punching bag" kind of deal. Just keep punching the mid section of the opponents (because the punching of face is prohibited) with little to no kicks. Other than the few boring matches, most matches are filled with actions and wide variety of kicks and powerful punches.

Overall, the event is well organised and i applauded both organisers and fighters, they have put together a high energy, brilliant and entertaining competition.

Here are some of the highlights of the event.

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